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Facilitation is the art of leadership in group communication. Or putting it very simply, facilitation is helping a group to accomplish its goals.
A skilled facilitator follows group energy in a natural way, opening doors to new realms of group effectiveness and empowerment. This process is appropriate in wide ranging areas like team management, conflict resolution, transformational leadership, diversity work, community dialogue, innovation, trust-building, coaching, and addressing impossible issues.
Who uses it? WorkSMART facilitation clients range from the unemployed to private banks across the world. From small companies with just a few employees to the NHS with 1.2million.
So what's new? Parallel, lateral and direct thinking. Add these tools and you can take facilitation to a whole new dimension. Move outside the realms of just mere possibilities to solutions you normally only dream about.
Edward de Bono is widely regarded as the leading authority in creativity and thinking skills, his Six Thinking Hats are used around the world and he is the originator of Lateral Thinking.
Facilitation + Edward de Bono's Thinking Tools = Dynamic Solutions
Who needs it? Anyone, from small companies looking to establish themselves in the market to blue chip companies trying to increase turnover and even reduce costs at the same time. Anyone can get real benefit.
What now? You have a choice: facilitation or de Bono facilitation - there is a difference. Contact us for rates and further info.